Design Process
Today I went to my son's high school to talk with the grad class about my career in Architecture. It was cool, it forced me to think about my profession…
Today I went to my son's high school to talk with the grad class about my career in Architecture. It was cool, it forced me to think about my profession…
Passive House is a building concept that is very energy-efficient, requiring such a small amount of heat that it can be heated by mainly passive heat sources, such as incoming sunlight, household appliances and inhabitants.
A HRV (Heat Recovery Ventilation) system is a necessary, and the only active component of the system. Depending on the climate, a small post heater is needed to heat the incoming air to a comfortable temperature.
Passive House reduces the required energy to heat a building by:
The house in Whitehorse was finished just in time for Christmas! (Well not quite, but close enough... -The stairs are not finished yet, so we won't show you any pictures…