During the hot days this last summer I thought how pleasant it would be if the streets of Kaslo would be lined with trees… Providing shade and beauty.
Many streets in Kaslo do have some trees along them, but the downtown core is bare, hot, windy and dusty.
So I took some pictures of Kaslo’s bare downtown street and painted some trees in them. See how downtown Kaslo could be so much more pleasant and beautiful with tree-lined streets:

Do you see the viewing platform with pavilion at the end of 4th street, to enjoy the view over Kootenay Lake, sheltered from sun and rain?!

Besides adding beauty and shade to the streets, the trees would  also cut down the wind and dust that frequently plagues the downtown core.
These trees would have to be of a kind that does not grow too tall, has a compact crown and doesn’t make too much mess to keep everybody happy.
(The UFEI Tree Selection Guide is a great online resource to select the appropriate tree species.)
Hajo, I love your trees. Maybe a little diversity instead of a monoculture. Tall trees…short trees…fat trees….skinny trees.